
Benefits of Kacip Fatimah Extract/ Kacip Fatimah 提取物的好处

Benefits of Kacip Fatimah Extract/ Kacip Fatimah 提取物的好处
  1. Firming and toning of the abdominal and vaginal muscle
  2. Increase natural vaginal secretion
  3. Regulate menstrual cycle and eliminate period pain
  4. Provide Photo-Estrogen (plant estrogen) to the breast and vagina

  1. 腹部和阴道肌肉的紧致和调理
  2. 增加自然的阴道分泌物
  3. 调节月经周期并消除经期疼痛
  4. 为乳房和阴道提供光致雌激素(植物雌激素)

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