
Benefits of Misai Kucing Extract/ 猫须草精的好处

Benefits of Misai Kucing Extract/ 猫须草精的好处
  1. Increases the excretion of urine
  2. Reduce high blood pressure
  3. Reduce inflammation
  4. Remedy for kidney stone and arteriosclerosis
  5. Reduce gout and joint pains
  6. Cholesterol-inhibiting effects
  7. Anti-diabetic effects
  8. Eliminate flatulence

  1. 助排尿
  2. 降低高血压
  3. 有助消炎
  4. 医治贤结石和动脉硬化
  5. 减轻痛風和关接痛
  6. 对治胆固醇有效
  7. 抗糖尿症有效
  8. 除胀气

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