

Overall Improvements after taking Kacip Fatimah Extract


Overall Improvements after taking Kacip Fatimah Extract

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Supplements for Back Aches and Hand Numbness

Kelly Yap

Supplements for Back Aches and Hand Numbness

My name is Kelly Yap. I am 43 years old and a working mother. For the last 2 years, I have been experiencing bad back aches, fatigue, numbness on both arms and headaches. I have seen many doctors but they could not pinpoint the cause of the problems

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Diabetes Cured

Carol Seet

Diabetes Cured

My name is Carol Seet, age 65, and I live in Melaka. I want to begin with when I was diagnosed with diabetes. It was back in October 2020 and was prescribed Metformin once a day. One day, my longtime friend Jeff Yeo and his friend David Low introduc

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